
Event storming introduction workshop

Event Storming is a deceptively simple yet powerful technique, originating from the DDD community. It is easy to start with and can be used for different purposes. We offer a crash course in Event Storming so you can immediately start using and learning this technique for yourselves.

For additional information see our blog post: Event storming a restaurant.*

Event Storming


In this workshop we will learn big picture event storming and process modelling.

  • Short introduction into the event storming.
  • Hands-on exercise of a big picture event storming session
  • Hands-on process modelling using event storming.

Intended audience

Everyone who is involved in the software development process. One doesn’t need to be technical to apply this technique and gain value from it.

Sounds great

So let’s talk! send us your inquiries and we will be in touch contact Triple D